

2021年10月18-20日,以 “大国新基建 微挖新视界”为主题的2021全球微挖大会在广东深圳隆重举行。作为大会的特别支持方,卡特彼勒携CAT®(卡特)迷你挖明星产品301.7 CR、302 CR、303.5E CR盛装出席本届大会,这也是卡特彼勒连续四届亮相微挖大会。

During 18 – 20th October, 2021, the 2021 China Micro HEX Summit was grandly held in Shenzhen, Guangdong. Caterpillar brought CAT® star products 301.7 CR, 302 CR, and 303.5E CR to attend this conference. It is fourth time that Caterpillar attended the China Micro HEX Summit.



During summit, Wilson Hu, Industry Sales Manager for Greater China and India, attended the forum and delivered keynote speech. Wilson introduced Cat Next Gen Values to customers and inspired them to extend business opportunities with new application and work tools.



卡特彼勒CAT明星机型试驾区人头攒动、热闹非凡,现场的CAT 302 CR迷你挖掘机为机友提供了试驾机会。来自卡特彼勒的专家还对CAT迷你挖进行了生动的绕机讲解,详细介绍了卡特彼勒迷你挖产品的性能特点,智能化施工理念及其优秀的能力,不少对设备感兴趣的机友纷纷上机体验,并与专家进行了交流互动,很多操作过CAT 302 CR迷你挖掘机的机友对其频频点赞!

Caterpillar provided 302 CR for customers to experience Next Gen values. Cat and CEL experts demonstrated performance, industry first features, and lower maintenance cost for customers. Customers got on the machine and interacted with Cat and CEL experts. Many customers recognized CAT 302 CR after trying it.

机友试乘试驾CAT 302 CR挖掘机

一位机友试驾完CAT 302 CR说:“卡特彼勒的产品棒棒的,刚刚试驾完感觉非常好!CAT迷你挖操作简单、灵活,驾驶室也很舒适,要买就选卡特彼勒。”

One customer said after his trial on CAT 302 CR: “Caterpillar’s products are great, and it feels very good after the trial drive! The CAT mini digging operation is simple and flexible, and the cab is also very comfortable. If you want to buy it, choose Caterpillar.


在卡特彼勒产品互动专区,更是聚集了大批参与现场投篮互动的微挖用户。CAT 301.7 CR迷你挖摇身一变成了篮球架,现场与大家展开了一场欢乐有趣、精彩纷呈的投篮挑战赛。机友们虽说不是专业的篮球选手,但是在卡特彼勒的挖机投篮比赛中,还是很给力,个个身手矫健。

In the Caterpillar product interaction zone, customers participated in the on-site basketball shooting interaction games. Caterpillar is the sponsor of CBA, customers enjoyed and got fun when playing basketball with 301.7 CR.

CAT 302 CR迷你挖变身篮球架,机友纷纷一试身手


At the same time, the "Meet•CAT" short video contest also attracted many participants who like to shoot short videos.



In the Caterpillar booth at the 2021 Micro HEX Summit, Caterpillar demonstrated its product values, brand spirit and got closer relationship with customers.


In total, 500 customers from more than 10 provinces and cities across the country were recruited for this summit. 50 of customers were identified as KOL. The overall website promotion, live video, friends circle likes, and machine club promotion, etc., have a total exposure of 850,000. 27 leads were collected.